Special Shout-outs

I’m indebted to so many people for their encouragement and assistance on the documentary, but I’d like to give a special shout-out to some individuals who have really shone in their support of me and of my project.

Pumps, Mum, Jenna & James Rhodes

…for general support, forbearance and willingness to help me in any way they could.

Maree Zannis

…my psychological buttress and mentor-across-the-country, she was the grounding I needed on this project. From the very beginning, she supported the idea of a humanitarian engineering documentary, giving me confidence and making sure I maintained it over the subsequent eight months through which I bombarded her with long, fretful, almost stream-of-consciousness updates. Kind, patient, and a super gal.

Malcolm Ong & Charles Qiu

…my go-to guys for film-making advice, especially around buying equipment and creating expectations of filming and post-production (Mal) and trouble-shooting and general film-making guidance (Charles).

Glen Anderson & Luan Pham

…my two record-breaking crowdfunders and, coincidentally, also the two who lent me places to rest my head in Sydney and Melbourne while I was filming interviews.